5 daily exercises to keep fit

The advantage of these daily exercises is that you can decide when to do them, without being tied to specific times, just having a soft mat for exercises, and you can start when you prefer. Remember to do at least 15 minutes of stretching before starting and 5 after finishing.


Abdominals are a hint for your fitness. Stand on your hip stomach up, bend your legs and point your feet to the floor. Put your hands behind your head and slightly raise your bust by using your abdominals; Return to the starting position slowly. Be careful to breathe well during exercises because it usually tends to hold back your breath; Remember to exhale as you climb up and breathe while returning to your starting position. Repeat the exercise by 3 series of 10.


This exercise is ideal for toning your buttocks. To run it properly, stand by your shoulders to a chair. Divide your legs until you reach the width of your shoulders and make bends until you touch the buttocks in your chair without actually sitting down, and then return to your starting position. For good exercise, it is crucial not to curl your back otherwise you will eventually feel the pain in the vertebrae. Run 2 series of 10.

Frontal crusts

To tone up the jugs are ideal. To do the best you need to stand on the united leg mat, then put a leg forward, as if you were to go to a long way forward, and flex your leg in front to touch the floor with the knee of the other leg. At this point, return to the initial position, remembering to always keep your back straight for the whole exercise. Run 2 sets of 10 for leg.

Bent on the arms

In daily exercises, you do not have to forget about your arms. Make bends in your arms to keep them tonic. On the mat point the tip of the feet and hands, holding the whole body in tension, so as to lift it from the ground. The arms should be narrow and distant from each other just over the shoulders. Fling your arms bending your elbows and return slowly. If you cannot, try to ground your knees instead of your feet. Run 2 series of 10.

Folds on the chair

This exercise boosts both legs and buttocks. Make it simple, place your legs apart in a chair, put your foot in the chair and pull up, bringing the other leg to your chest (this will also train your lower abdomen). Slowly return to the starting position and restart the exercise with the other leg. Run 2 sets of 20.

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