5 exercises to do in the morning in 20 minutes

7:00 am, the boring noise of the alarm forces us, with great difficulty, to get out of bed. Let’s face it, the moment of awakening is always quite complicated for everyone. The desire is little, the energy also, and the head seems almost wrapped in a large padding of cotton.

How to do then, to ensure that the day starts on the right foot? How to find the energy needed to start? How to keep fit, despite the short time? Here are 5 exercises, absolutely essential and quick, also suitable for those who, in the morning, always go running. Yes, this gym routine will take just under 20 minutes!

A few minutes of stretching, to begin

As the word itself says, the purpose of stretching is to stretch, stretch and enlarge our muscles. The first rule for a good awakening is to give time, to our body, to find the right dimension of movement. So sit on the floor, on a mat or a towel, legs together and stretched out, and stretch your arms until you touch your feet. Repeat this movement three or four times, at regular intervals, checking your breathing. Do not you feel better already?

Rotations, an effective way to reactivate the neck

After a long night of sleep, perhaps decomposed or agitated by anxiety, the neck is always one of the poor victims to suffer. However, this kind of muscles are essential to ensure correct posture and the right amount of energy to our brain. For this reason, it is very important to give them time to reactivate slowly, especially in the morning.

Always in a sitting position, then start rotating the neck, first to the right, then to the left. After returning it to its original condition, do the same by first moving it downwards, then upwards. It is recommended to repeat this series of movements at least five or six times, in order to obtain a complete dissolution of the affected area.

Aerobic exercise to reactivate the metabolism

During the night, we are not the only ones to close our eyes … Also our metabolism does the same. It is good to make sure that he resumes his activity calmly. Start by making small leaps on the spot for two or three minutes. Then move on to the jump rope, an extremely useful exercise to wake up our metabolism and cause it to burn fat, giving us back the energy lost during the night. Although I advise you to devote at least five minutes to this type of training, you will decide, depending on the time available to you, the importance to be attributed to it.

Exercises to tone up: the abdominals

Despite the limited time available, the abdomen also wants its part. This is why it is important to dedicate, at least five minutes, to the performance of the abdominals. You can choose the most suitable for the part of your body to tone: for those with problems in the cervical and lumbar area, do not use the ones in a supine position. Perform at least three sets, from 15 repetitions each. Keep in mind that all these exercises are to be carried out strictly before breakfast! Of course, we want to avoid straining our digestion, just wake up!

Lunges, a valid alternative to the abdominals

If you are not willing to give up the flat stomach, but still too lazy to carry out the series of abdominal proposals, we have what suits you best. You can replace them with lunges: an excellent method to burn fat, without weighing on the lumbar and cervical area. Start from a standing position, keeping your arms and elbows straight along your hips. At this point, bend your legs down, alternately, creating a ninety degree angle. Stop a few inches from the floor, without your knees touching the ground. Repeat this movement a total of 15 times for each of the two legs.

And finally, a well deserved moment of relaxation

I think the right way to end this exercise session is a few minutes of relaxation. It is never indicated to tire too much in the morning, no one likes to get already a drain at snack time! That’s why I suggest you lie down, turn on some good relaxing music and perform at least three minutes of diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale and exhale, it’s simple. Put a hand on your stomach, so as to check that it swells during inspiration and vice versa, it deflates during exhalation. If this happens, you are doing the exercise correctly.

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