
5 exercises to strengthen the forearms

This is the case of forearms despite being the most exposed body parts for most of the year. Having well-developed forearms means having strong arms and a strong grip. It is not enough to train biceps or triceps, but it is necessary to devote specific exercises to strengthening the forearm muscles.

The forearm is the part that goes from the elbow to the wrist. It is made up of several well-flexible muscles arranged in layers, depending on the anatomical position they are distinguished in: posterior, front and lateral.

All muscles must undergo constant and targeted physical activity. If you want a harmonious arm from the muscular point of view and a grip on the ” arm of iron ” continues to read to discover the 5 exercises to strengthen the forearms.

Reversed curl

The first of the 5 exercises for the forearms is called Reverse Curl. To carry out this exercise, stay on slightly sloping legs. Hold a weight with your wrists down and flex your forearms as you breathe. Make slow and decisive movements. Perform the exercise in 3 sets of 10 bends. This type of exercise will allow you to strengthen your wrist muscle muscles.

Wrist flexions

The second exercise involving wrist flexions is called Wrist Curl. This exercise is used to train the forearm muscles of the forearm. To do it properly you are seated on a sturdy bench or chair. Place your forearms on your legs, with your wrists up. Hold a rocker, holding the fists at a distance so as not to exceed the width of the shoulders. Proceed by flexing your hands on your arms. Repeat the exercise 10 times for 3 series.

Reverse Wrist Curl

The Reverse Wrist Curl that translates means wrist extension is aimed at developing the forearm muscle muscles. Also for this exercise is sitting on a bench. Proceed by placing the forearm on the legs with the palm of the hand facing down. Hold the rocker even here, taking care that the distance between the wrists does not exceed the width of the shoulders. Continue with hand extensions on the forearms. Repeat 3 series of 10.

Wrist extensions

The wrist roller is the exercise that involves the use of a stick whose center is tied to a rope at whose end a weight is attached. To do this properly, you must hold the stick at the two ends, with the wrist down. Proceed by rolling the rope around the stick using only the forearms and wrists. Continue until the weight reaches the stick and then unroll the rope until the weight reaches the initial position.

Wrist roller

Loaded Carry is the last of the 5 exercises to strengthen the forearms. It aims to make the towing strength of the forearms increase. For this exercise, it is advisable to use weights a bit heavier than those used to curl (but without getting tired too).

Standing upright, with her wide-open shoulders pushing backwards and contracting her abdomen begins to walk for a few feet, at least twenty or by the resistance time by carrying the weights weighed with her hands. You will feel that the forearms will be subjected to a workout greater than the exercise held by the stall.

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