
Exercise : Stretching for inner thigh with elastic

Among the exercises that you can practice at home, there are those that can be done with the help of a rubber band. Since it has always been known that physical activity brings the beautiful and useful benefits to the body of any human being. Everyone should engage in at least one sport, of course, choosing the one that is able to exert more easily.

Of course, not sufficient for every case occasionally play sports, because in this way the results eagerly awaited and desired you would notice almost completely, for this reason you should play sports with absolute constancy and commitment.

Also, if you have no time or desire to go to the gym, you can choose to run your profits exercises in your own home. Continue to read this interesting guide to learn a popular and useful exercise: stretching for inner thigh with elastic.

Requirement : Resistance Band, Fitness Mat.

This versatile elastic band, usually no more than $15 – $20 costs, which can be purchased at any fitness store and there are three types: extra strong, durable and ultra-strong special. Among the exercises for toning the inner thighs: you have to lie down on the ground, with his back fully to the ground and your arms at your sides; lift your legs until you have your toes pointed up.

After inserting the elastic band around the ankles, it is necessary to spread the legs apart, maintaining the contraction for at least 10-15 seconds.

Still lying on the mat, but this time with their faces turned to the ground, spread the legs and lift them off the ground, so that the knee does not touch the mat. After maintaining the position for a few seconds, at least 10, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise five, six times.

Still lying on the mat, but this time turned on its side in such a way as to have a leg perfectly aligned with the torso and the other bent with the knee facing the wall. Place the elastic around the legs, in such a way that it is not facilitated the opening of the bent leg. Open and close the leg which has the knee bent for at least 10-15 times.

In standing against a wall, it is necessary to lean against the wall with open arms and bring one leg toward the outside of the body. The exercise is repeated at least 15 times with a total of three to five repetitions. In the same position previously adopted, always with the elastic band lying around the ankles, lift the leg (first one and then the other) outwards. In this manner, they will work both the gluteus that the inner thigh.

Note : Wait at least 30 seconds between reps and the other.
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