
Honey and its properties

Known since ancient times, honey was once considered the food of the gods, because of its characteristics of goodness and health, and the Romans in order to savor warm along with the wine.

Honey is a natural food high-energy, which is now used in various fields: from power to the welfare of the skin, to the physical, health. This guide will show you all the features of this miraculous food and its many uses, to give more guidance on how to exploit it and which one to choose.

1.) Honey is a totally natural food, which is collected directly from the hive and can be enjoyed immediately, without man modify it in any way. Honey contains a high concentration of fructose and is a great source of energy that remains in the body for a long time (because it is absorbed slowly by the body). It can be used as an energy source before a physical effort, for example; before working out in the gym (just one tablespoon of honey); also nourishment for the brain, therefore useful for those who perform mental activities such as, for example, intensive study before an examination.

2.) Honey is used in the medical field, to be given to patients who have no appetite resume strength and energy, and is also used to soothe sore throats, especially if together with eucalyptus. The time honey promotes wound healing, so it can be used directly on the skin injured and is used in some French hospitals for the care of wounds; the heals much faster and protects the individual, having also antibacterial. Help arthritis, also serves to calm and relax the nervous people.

3.) Finally, it is widely used in cosmetics, because of its regenerative capacity, and therefore, anti-aging. With the honey are created different types of creams to use. It can then be used directly on the face to cure acne or skin hydration. If he is consumed with hot water, favors the elimination of fats (despite being a food calorie). Escalated to four cups of hot water, can also be used as a mask for the hair to be put immediately after washing and then rinse.

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