
Lose weight without deprivation

But today it is possible to lose weight without giving up the food? Surely you if you follow these tips outlined in this guide for everyone.

Just follow a balanced diet by following some simple dietary rules and behavior that we do not distort the life and contemplate the right calories to the body balanced and healthy rhythm conduct it.

Follow these rules easily be implemented during the 3 phases of the daily meals, giving them the right time and trying not to toss ever. A complementary exercise is the crowning touch to get a light line and snappy.

1.) The first important thing is to start the day right with a breakfast that contains the contribution of the necessary calories, and carbohydrates needed to tackle a busy day at work. It must have been about 20% of our daily energy requirements, being the most important meal of the day, with a little sugar and eliminating fats. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day beginning in the morning.

2.) For lunch, choose foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta dishes with tomato pasta with vegetables and beans or stews or soups that are rich in both energy and fibers useful in the functioning of our body and strengthening muscle tone. There are no contraindications on the consumption of these ingredients also provided in the Mediterranean diet, which are essential to obtain about 50% of the additional daily calories. The same goes for any snacks that are the interval between meals and the other trying to never exceed 200 calories and varying them often. Consume plenty of water with them and never soda.

3.) For dinner, for the completion of calories, it must include main dishes and side dishes rich in proteins, such as the omega 3 contained in fish and consumed at least 2-3 times a week, including that known as ” blue. ” Use extra-virgin olive oil, then bread, meat without fat, eggs or cheese low in cholesterol. In addition, consume more fresh fruit at will, low-fat yogurt and salads made from it. Prefer the consumption of raw vegetables or steamed.

4.) All the food we eat, must constantly vary and be based on fruits, vegetables, grains, tubers, and increasing them by alternating with fish, meat, eggs, milk, etc. An important addition not to skip meals, consuming foods frivolous, it is the right concentration to maintain during consumption, because it promotes the absorption of food quality and proper swallowing. The distractions in the table are negative for the purposes of metabolism. Remember that you should always leave the table, never satiated, for proper digestion.

5.) Proponents of psicodiet to insist that is not the limitation of the food that promotes weight loss, but rather their own self-esteem. About fat is only a little love for himself, and that the only way to accumulate pounds is to eliminate negative thoughts by making them positive. Do not vent their anger by eating more, but think that the food consumed by chewing slowly, makes you happy and satisfied. It is often easier to vent their stress by making a run to greet or even to get a good massage tonic. It is an alternative way to keep in good shape.

Never forget : Eat slowly without television or newspapers. Avoid distractions.
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